5 ways to put your mental health first

Hi Gems, 
Welcome back to Tia Things! 

Tonight we are chatting about mental health and some ways I have learned to put it at the forefront of my life. Firstly, I can't say I have previously dealt with a tone of mental health issues, but this year, after many difficult moments of loss, grief, stress, anxiety, things started to pile on. I dealt with my lowest lows, and have since then worked on maintaining the most healthy balance I can. 

Of course, one of the biggest challenges is the fact that you cannot control the issues, difficulties or outside factors that come your way, so here are 5 ways I keep my mental health as a top priority. 

1. Speak your feelings: I have learned that bottling things up, holding on, or trying to just "push through", doesn't work for me. I need to verbalize my feelings and mental state in order to move forward, through and onward. So first things first, I express myself in the good, the bad and the everyday. This is also great because as a reflex I express the good and happy feelings too, which makes my family and partner happy, and gives me constant reminders of gratitude. 

2. Do nothing: When there is a space in time to do nothing, you don't always need to fill it. I always felt like I should be busy, should do more or fill that ten minutes of calm time. But in reality, all that will do is lead to burning myself out and it will be solely my fault. So whether it is a half hour or a whole day, take a day to do nothing, go with the flow, nap, walk, etc.

3. Working out... kinda: So I have never been one to love working out. I always thought of it as a chore and never found a style of workout that I enjoy. However, I have recently gotten into hot yoga and I am ADDICTED. Even if a class is tougher, or I am more tired, I can take it easy, still sweat and feel proud for making it to my mat that day. This is also a reason to leave the house when I work from home so I get a workout, change of scenery and some fresh air all at once!

4. Find your thing: Whether you are an athlete, nerd, makeup guru or chef, whatever that THING is that you do because you love, enjoy and brings calm to your life, find it. Soak in the moments of calm and clarity when you are working on a task that is enjoyable to you. It doesn't matter if others can relate or not, all that matters is benefiting your mental state.

5. Spoil yourself: This may sound silly but it really does work. When you need a little pick me up, something to make you smile, spoil yourself with something that is just for you. Whether is be a new dress, a new book, or some cool records, there is no need to go high in budget to simply give yourself a little gift of happy. 

Disclaimer* these are tips and tricks that work for me but I have also worked with mental health professionals to get back to my best mental health state. If you need professional help do not hesitate to find online sources, talk to your doctor, or those around you for guidance on next steps. 


Visiting museums

Going to yoga!

Talk soon gems,


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