4 biggest lessons of 2022

 Hi gems, 

Happy, Happy Friday! 

Today we are closing out the year with our biggest lessons learnt in 2022, it was Ana amazing year overall with many lessons learned over time! 

1. Take the trip: If you are thinking of taking a trip, be it for a weekend or a month, GO! There were so many trips this year for me, it was such a blessing and I truly look back with no regrets. Make the memories, explore the world, take a break from your routine. 

2. Stop Comparing: In the past, I truly used to compare myself to others and have a lot of anxiety about trying to catch up or be something I am not yet ready for. Whether it be in my career, personal life or love life, I felt I always was moving to the next step. I now am so happy, I feel as though I am living in the moment more than ever!

3. Don't hold on: I am having a huge moment of gratitude for the people who surround me lately, its something I have thought of so much as I move through huge moments of my life and learn who I want to be surrounded by long term. If your circe outgrows you, or vice versa, there is nothing wrong with moving on and letting people have some space. You never know who you may meet, or lost but it can only lead to next great things!

4. Plan happy: Planning moments of happiness such as activities, trips and more is so beneficial to your mental health. Being excited for something planned coming up, means you are always looking forward to a memory and a new experience.

Wishing you all a lovely end of year, lessons learnt and year of smiles to come!



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